
Orchestra Entertainment is a prominent events service provider in Uganda. The Orchestra provides sound systems and equipment for any event including small house parties, weddings or big concerts.
Some of their unique services include sound systems, staging, lighting, fog effects and great DJ entertainers.

The events company was in need of a quality website to represent it brand online.

Orchestra Entertainment
Client Industry:
Services Offered:
Website Development


The company had a quality well managed Facebook page and good graphic images. It needed a responsive website delivered in the shortest time possible. At Othware, we deliver an average website (Including WordPress Websites) starting from 48 hours depending on the clients need. Our express delivery service never compromises on Quality, learn more here.

Orchestra is an affiliate of a Label design that deals in ladies accessories. The Orchestra team preferred to link their website to some of the items sold at Labels.

Orchestra events works with some of the most prominent DJs in Kampala including the renown DJ Romeo. It was required that some of the sample music from the DJs can be added and played on the company website.


Bosco is an affiliate of Orchestra Events. As a previous client of Othware, Bosco quickly recommended us for the Job. With our broad experience in designing similar websites, we crafted a color website for Orchestra Entertainment.

All the company’s pricing packages, brochures, contacts and other marketing materials were fully uploaded on the website.

A music player was added on the website that enables clients to sample some of the music played by the powerful DJs at Orchestra’s events.


Orchestra team was overwhelmed by their new beautiful website. The website and all necessary logins were fully handed over to the company’s IT team.